Foundational Requirements

We are pleased to announce that GHA has developed a Telehealth Standards chapter for Medical Travel Programs that is currently undergoing a field review before being officially incorporated into the GHA Standards 4.1 Manual. GHA will test this chapter during all upcoming surveys this year, scoring the measurable elements but not using these scores in the accreditation decision. Surveyors and clients will also be asked to comment on their effectiveness during the survey. The possibility is also being considered that the Telehealth standards, alone, may be the basis for a future certification for Telehealth programs and services.

The standards in this new telehealth chapter provide guidance to medical travel programs wishing to extend their scope of services and reach current or new groups of clients. For example, the medical travel program may wish to provide second opinion services in clinical areas in which they have proven expertise. Such second opinion communications may be between the medical travel program and a patient, or with a distant health care practitioner or with a distant health care organization. Also, the medical travel program may wish to provide various types of consultation services such as disease management, psychological support and therapy, rehabilitation, general health maintenance, etc. Similarly, such consultations may also be between the medical travel program and patients, health care practitioners or health care organizations. Providing telehealth services has the potential to build new relationships and extend and strengthen existing relationships between professional and client groups, and the medical travel program.

The Telehealth Standards chapter includes 8 standards(and associated measurable elements) under the following themes:

  • Determining need and scope of services
  • Telecommunication technology
  • Management considerations
  • Health practitioner qualifications and clinical services
  • Education and participation
  • Quality of care and program monitoring

To participate in the Field Review

At this point in the development of Telehealth standards, we are seeking the opinion and feedback of industry stakeholders. With your knowledge of GHA and the current healthcare environment, your opinions and suggestions would be very valuable.

In order to participate in the field review, please click the button below.

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