Medical Travel Education & Advisory Services

GHA offers a wide range of Custom Medical Travel Education and Advisory Services designed to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Medical Travel Training Programs include:

  • GHA Medical Travel Standards & Survey Process Training: Workshop on the GHA standards, survey process and best practices in medical travel, designed to fast-track the preparation for GHA Accreditation or Certification. Training can be conducted onsite or virtually over one or multiple days.

    This service is recommended for hospitals and ambulatory centers that would like to shorten the time for accreditation/certification preparation and ensure staff have a comprehensive knowledge about the GHA standards, required evidence of compliance and the survey process.
  • Introduction to Medical Travel & Best Practices Training:

    Workshop focused on introducing medical travel, latest trends and best practices as advocated through GHA’s standards. Includes topics such as:

    o Introduction to medical travel, opportunities, challenges and latest trends
    o Characteristics of medical travelers
    o The purpose and functions of a medical travel program/international department
    o Optimizing the patient journey: Key processes & best practices
    o The importance of the patient experience in medical travel
    o Building a sustainable medical travel program

    This service can be conducted onsite or virtually and is recommended for hospitals and ambulatory centers that may be new to medical travel and would like to gain a more detailed understanding of the opportunities, challenges and best practices to enter the market.
  • Key Strategies for Optimizing the Patient Experience in Medical Travel:
    Focuses on equipping hospitals and clinics with the essential strategies to deliver exceptional patient experiences in the context of medical travel.

    Topics include:

    o Understanding the Patient Journey
    o Cultural Competency and Communication
    o Pre-Travel Preparation
    o Personalized Care Coordination
    o Ensuring Safety and Quality
    o Post-Treatment Support and Follow-Up
    o Measurement and Feedback

    The course empowers participants to implement patient-centered strategies that prioritize safety, quality, communication, and cultural sensitivity, ultimately resulting in exceptional experiences for medical travel patients.

Joint Commission International (JCI) Preparation Training

For hospitals preparing for Joint Commission International accreditation or re-accreditation, GHA offers customized training programs that are designed to address specific areas of improvement identified during the assessment process. These training programs focus on enhancing hospital staff's knowledge and understanding of JCI standards, quality improvement methodologies, patient safety practices, and other critical aspects of healthcare delivery. Training may focus on areas such as:

  • Access to Care and Continuity of Care
  • International Patient Safety Goals
  • Assessment of Patients
  • Patient Centered Care
  • Anesthesia and Surgical Care
  • Management of Information
  • Staff Qualifications and Education

By equipping staff with the necessary skills and knowledge, GHA helps hospitals build a culture of quality and safety in preparation for JCI accreditation.  

*GHA also offers training to prepare for other accreditation programs.

Medical Travel Advisory Services include:

  • Gap Assessment for GHA Accreditation/Certification: Mock survey focused on the GHA Critical Standards with a comprehensive report provided that includes observations and recommendations to meet compliance with GHA accreditation or certification ‘Critical’ standards. Areas that are reviewed include Care Management, Infection Prevention & Control, Quality Improvement, Cultural Competency, Communication and Education, Patient Advocacy, Business Ethics, Risk Management and more. It is available as a one-, two- or three-day program. This service is recommended for hospitals and ambulatory centers that are preparing for GHA Accreditation or Certification and would like to gain a clear understanding of the gaps to meet compliance with GHA Standards.
  • Marketing Gap Analysis and Optimization: Our specialized service is meticulously crafted to pinpoint and enhance critical areas within your medical travel marketing strategies. With a focused approach tailored to the unique demands of the medical travel industry, we conduct a comprehensive examination of your existing marketing and branding initiatives, including an in-depth analysis of your website, social media presence, and other engagement platforms specific to medical travel. Through this holistic assessment, we aim to deliver precise recommendations aimed at elevating overall performance and maximizing impact in attracting international patients and expanding your global reach.
  • Customized Coaching:
    GHA's Customized Coaching services are tailored to assist organizations in medical travel program development, strategy, and preparation for GHA Accreditation or Certification. Monthly or weekly sessions cover key areas such as market identification, strategic partnerships, safety protocols, and patient experience enhancement. Benefits include personalized strategy development, market alignment, partnership facilitation, safety enhancements, and accreditation readiness. Sessions consist of virtual consultations, supplemented by emails and text messages. Additionally, select staff gain access to CMTP training and online continuing education. For organizations pursuing accreditation or certification, coaching is complemented by Accreditation preparation training.
  • Medical Travel Program (International Patient Services) Development: GHA guides and supports the development of a sustainable medical travel program (international patient department) with the necessary infrastructure, human talent, policies and services to ensure a seamless patient experience across the Medical Travel Care Continuum. GHA may provide temporary staffing and/or management of medical travel program services as well as structure recruitment and training programs for program sustainability. This service is recommended for hospitals and ambulatory centers without a formal medical travel program/international patient department or for an existing program that seeks to strengthen its policies, best practices and elevate its services.
  • Medical Travel Strategy Development and Marketing Optimization: Supports destinations, healthcare providers and other stakeholders to implement key strategies and tactics to maximize the success of their medical travel initiative.

    Including but not limited to:

    o SWOT Analysis
    o Identifying unique niches of differentiation (may be based on ‘super star’ physicians and practitioners, innovative and leading medical equipment, technology, specialty treatments and services, etc.;)
    o Facilitating the identification of targeted countries for patient flow, and top services to offer by target market
    o Strategies to develop a growing network of healthcare buyers and other patient referral sources.
    o Identifying website and marketing strategies to promote chosen specialties and localize it to targeted countries
    o Creating a distinctive value proposition that resonates for each target population for each organization
  • Preparation for Joint Commission International (JCI): Our team of experienced professionals offers guidance and support to hospitals and ambulatory centers, helping them understand the requirements and expectations of JCI accreditation and assists hospitals in aligning their practices and processes with JCI standards. Activities may include services such as a gap assessment and/or weekly or bi-monthly advisory calls.GHA can also offer customized training and advisory services related to other accreditation programs in healthcare, hospitality, wellness, employee safety, and corporate (workplace) health and well-being.
*Costs for education, training, and advisory service vary depending on the goals, size of the organization and number of participants, and the particular action plan created for the client. All services are available in-person (on-site) and most services can also be provided virtually or through a combination of remote and on-site services.
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